A Comprehensive Guide To Use OpenDroneMap

For beginners and professionals

Written by core developer Piero Toffanin
  • 280 pages, beautifully illustrated, written in simple English
  • Available in EPUB, MOBI and PDF format, DRM-free
Book Cover

"I've been using OpenDroneMap for a while and [this] book was just what I needed."

OpenDroneMap: The Missing Guide is an easy to read, comprehensive manual to use OpenDroneMap that will have you creating maps and 3D models from aerial images in no time.

In the first part of the book you will learn to orient yourself in the OpenDroneMap ecosystem, install the software, process datasets using the WebODM interface, understand the photogrammetry process, master the task options that control the final results, learn to use ground control points and apply best practices for data capture.

In the second part you will dive into the more advanced features and workflows of OpenDroneMap, such as usage from the command line, calibrating cameras, splitting a large dataset into parts for processing on parallel network clusters and automating processing via the NodeODM API using Python.

Written by core developer Piero Toffanin, OpenDroneMap: The Missing Guide will provide you with invaluable knowledge of OpenDroneMap's inner workings. You will save countless hours of trial and error by following the advice provided in this book.

Paperback Edition

A paper copy of the book is also available from these international resellers.

Barnes & Noble Amazon


Toffanin, P. (2019). OpenDroneMap: The Missing Guide (1st ed.).
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    author    = "Piero Toffanin",
    title     = "OpenDroneMap: The Missing Guide",
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